Amplify Your Results – Serious Networking for Serious Sales Growth ☄️

Strategies for the SME business community to help amplify your results to get a head and achieve serious sales growth.

About this Event

Let’s face it, 2020 has been a shocking year. The SME business community has faced all sorts of turmoil and we’re left wondering what’s next?

Albert Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing time and time again and expecting different results. “

You’re probably feeling overwhelmed, trying to do everything you can just to stay a float. Experiencing not finding enough leads, not getting the conversions and your left pondering what can be done to make a change?

Now is the time to prepare for a better 2021 !

Amplify Results SRG is a group of professionals who use giving and receiving referrals as a business development strategy. We come together through collaboration and support to create different and better results.

We come together to push each other along, question and champion our ideas, inspire us to be more and to help us with more profits and sales.

For this presentation, Amplify Your Results – Serious Networking to Boost Your Sales ☄️, our Executive team is presenting on topics on leadership, business development, pitching through presentations, the importance of images and digital marketing.

Amplify Results is looking for ambitious, smart Business Owners and Entrepreneurs who are keen to do what is needed to grow in 2021. Each of the presentations look at a different part of the business development journey delivering on fabulous content with take-aways that you can implement back in the office.

The five presentation topics are:

  1. Imposter Be Gone – Lia Zalums, Director & Lead Consultant, Zedaxis
  2. Book Yourself Solid – Adrienne McLean, Founder, The Speakers Practice
  3. Storytelling – The Unspoken Pitch  – Scott Lee, Managing Director, The Unspoken Pitch
  4. Why Your Selfie Sucks  – Jennifer Taylor, Vividity Photography
  5. The Real Deal with Google Marketing  – Sid Lal, Managing Director, Bruce Clay Australia

    To book in – Register here 

For more details, you can email Adrienne McLean on or ring 0414 367 960

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