Technology & Digital Marketing for Professionals

Digital Marketing can be daunting and where to start , simply, confusing.

As a business owner, how well do you understand the area of marketing online?

How easy is it for someone to find you when doing a search using the internet?

Do you know how big your Social Media footprint is?

Digital Marketing for Professionals is for Business Owners to explain how marketing online works and take the complexity out of having a digital presence.

It’s true that not every business needs to do a lot of marketing using the web.

However, it is now very important to have a sound Social media footprint so at least when prospects search for your name or business, they can find you. 

If you don’t have some digital marketing in place, then what happens? People go elsewhere and you loose the business.

What is handled on the day?

  1. Social Media platforms and how to measure the impact.
  2. We will do a Digital Marketing Audit for each business in the room.
  3. Discussions on what is important from a Digital marketing perspective for each business.
  4. Discuss ways of developing a sound Social Media footprint.
  5. Discussions on Target markets and which platforms have that audience.
  6. Look at SEO, Google Analytics, Pay for Click advertising,
  7. Video marketing – the benefits and ways to use video

If , at all possible, bring along your laptop or ipad. There is complementary wi-fi.

What is provided in the Technology and Digital Marketing Skills for Business Owner Professionals  Workshop                   

The Workshop includes:
The Manual and Digital Marketing Audit,
Morning Tea, Lunch & Afternoon Tea provided. 

You are always welcome to ring Adrienne McLean by scheduling in a call on 30 minute call for any questions or details.

Should you have contacts interested, it is a good idea for them to ring direct to get an overview of the program.

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