The importance of choosing a Target Market

“My products and services suit everyone!”
This may be absolutely true – but where do you do your marketing?

If you don’t have a tight Target Market, your marketing efforts are watered down and you really don’t know where to do your marketing to maximise the return.

There are 3 very important reasons to choose a very specific Target Market.

  1. You will know where to find potential clients
  2. They will know that you are committed to serving them
  3. You can tap into established networks of communication

By having a specific Target Market , it makes knowing where to network so much easier. You will start to see the same people at different functions and you will to get to know them. Then, friendships and trust are developed so when they need your service/product or they know someone who does, they can refer you.

Knowing that you serve a specific Target Market, makes the individual needing your service feel that you understand their problems and needs. It makes the wording of your marketing material easier because you can focus on these needs and concerns as if you are speaking directly to them.

Target markets have their established networks of communication, they talk amongst each other and so you can get referrals much easier. Others will be talking about your good work.

Sit down and have a think about your Target Market ! It’s in your best interests.

Adrienne McLean, a Marketing and Communication Strategist with Amplify Results helps professionals to get more clients and move forward. Ring Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on for more details.

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